First Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 101 Introduction to History 2
HIS 103 Introduction to International Studies 2
HIS 111 Nigeria up to 1900 3
HIS 121 Africa, 1500 to 1800 3
HIS 131 Europe to the French Revolution 3
Required Ancillary Courses
ARCHY 101 Fundamentals of Archaeology 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 101 The Use of English I 2
GSP 103 Social Science I 2
Chooses one elective from the courses below.
POL SC 101 Introduction to Political Science I 2
M C 101 Introduction to Mass Communication I 2
Total 21
Second Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 102 Introduction to Economic History 2
HIS 104 Evolution of International System since 1915 2
HIS 122 History of West Africa since 1500 2
HIS 124 Religion in West Africa 3
HIS 126 North Africa from Earliest Times to the Arab Conquest 2
HIS 132 Europe from the French Revolution to the Second World War 2
HIS 144 Blacks in Diaspora 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 102 The Use of English II 2
GSP 104 Social Science II 2
Choose one elective from the courses below:
POL SC 102 2
M C 102 Introduction to Mass Communication II 2
Total 21
First Semester
Major courses Units
HIS 213 Diplomatic History of Nigeria since 1960 2
HIS 221 Southern Africa since 1400 2
HIS 223 East and Central Africa since 1000AD 2
HIS 231 Russia, 1800 to 1917 2
HIS 223 Europe from the Second World War to the Present 2
HIS 251 South East Asia since the 19th Century 2
Required Ancillary Courses
Choose one of foreign language below:
FRE 101 Elementary French I 2
GER 101 Elementary German I 2
RUS 101 Elementary Russian I 2
General Courses
GSP 105 Natural Science I 2
GSP 201 Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies I 2
Choose one elective course below:
HIS 205 Comparative World Revolutions since 1900 2
POL SC 231 Principles of Public Administration 2
Total 18
Second Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 206 Political Thought 3
HIS 222 Africa and European Imperialism in the 19th and 29th Centuries 2
HIS 224 Economic History of West Africa to the 20th Century 2
HIS 226 African Women in History 2
HIS 242 Latin American since the 15ht Century 2
HIS 244 U. S. A., 1607 to 1865 3
Required Ancillary Courses
Choose one foreign language from below:
FRE 102 Elementary French II 2
GER 102 Elementary German II 2
RUS 102 Elementary Russian II 2
General Studies Courses
GSP 106 Natural Science II 2
GSP 202 Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies II 2
Choose one elective from below:
POL. SC. 241 Fundamental of Political Economy 3
POL. SC. 251 Political Ideas 2
Total 22/23
First Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 301 Comparative Industrial Growth in the USA, Russia, Japan, China and Britain 3
HIS 311 Nigeria, 1900 to 1960 3
HIS 321 Africa and the Wider World in the 20th Century 2
HIS 343 U. S. A. since 1865 3
HIS 361 Historiography 3
Required Ancillary Courses
Choose one Foreign Language from below:
FRE 201 Intermediate French 1 2
GER 201 Intermediate German 1 2
RUS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 2
CS 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CEDR 341 Entrepreneurial Development and Research 2
Total 21
Second Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 302 Issues in International Relations I 2
HIS 322 Problems and Prospects of Regional Economic Development in Africa 3
HIS 332 Russia since 1917 3
HIS 352 Japan from Tokugawa to the Meiji Restoration 3
Required Ancillary Courses
Choose one foreign language below:
FRE 202 Intermediate French II 2
GER 202 Intermediate German II 2
RUS 202 Intermediate Russian II 2
CS 304 Computer in Sectoral Application 3
CEDR 342 Entrepreneurial Development and Research 2
Choose on elective from below:
POL. SC. 321 Theories of International Relations 3
POL. SC. 322 Politics of International Economic Relations 3
Total 21
First Semester
Major Courses Units
HIS 401 Development of Parliamentary/Presidential
Systems (Britain, France, India and USA) 3
HIS 403 History of Science and Technology 3
HIS 411 Nigeria since 1960 2
HIS 413 Economic History of Nigeria since 1800 2
HIS 415 Igbo land to the Present 3
HIS 451 Contemporary Middle East 2
Total 15
Second Semester
Major Courses
HIS 402 Issues in International Relations II 2
HIS 404 Philosophy of History 3
HIS 406 Conflict, War and Peace since 1900 2
HIS 408 International/Continental Organizations (Commonwealth,
OAU/AU. Arab League, ASEAN, EU, OAS,) 3
HIS 422 Africa since 1800 3
HIS 462 Project 4
Total 17